AI team

Jun-Kai Liao(2024)
Research topic:
Application of Deep Learning for Developing Mobile APP for Oral Lesion Detection and Classification
Research area:
Oral cancer screening,Object detection,Deep learning

Han-Bin Chang(2024)
Research topic:
Application of Deep Learning to Track Honeybee Beehive Entry and Exit Activity with Pollen Counting
Research area:
Object detection,Deep learning,Honeybee foraging behavior

Yong-Long Lin(2024)
Research topic:
Positron Emission Tomography Image Reconstruction and Software Interface Development
Research area:
Positron emission tomography,image reconstruction,MLEM algorithm,three-angle MLEM algorithm,software development

Yi-Shin Chou(2023)
Research topic:
Using Deep Learning Method to Conduct Paddy Field Detection and Staging in Aerial Images in Geographic Information System
Research area:
Aerial imagery, Geographic information system, Rice phenological stage, Deep learning, Instance segmentation

Shan-Cheng Chang(2023)
Research topic:
Applications of AIoT Technology for Precision Monitoring of Small Pests and Optimization of Bee Pollination in Protected Cultivation
Research area:
Deep Learning, AIoT, Agricultural Image Analysis

Yu-Jie Liu(2024)
Research topic:
Application of Deep Learning for Oral Lesion Detection

Research topic:
Orchard Classification and Parcel Segmentation in Aerial Imagery Using Deep Neural Networks

Research topic:
Application of Deep Learning Technology in Asparagus Growth Stage and Disease Identification

Research topic:
Three-Dimensional Lumen Reconstruction and Compitational Fluid Dynamics Application of Coronary Angiography

Research topic:
Application of Neural Networks for the Improvement of X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging

Research topic:
Application of Convolutional Neural Networks in the Optimization of PET Image Reconstruction

Research topic:
An Automatic Monitoring System for Pest Management in an Asparagus Greenhouse Using Image Processing Technology

Research topic:
The Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation for Cardiovascular System and Coronary Arterial Stenosis

Research topic:
Development an IoT-Based Power Quality Monitoring Platform

Research topic:
Statistics team

Early Prediction of Sepsis Using Machine Learning Methods on MIMIC Database

Research topic:
Early prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in the Intensive Care Unit Using Machine Learning Models on MIMIC Database

Research topic:
Multimodal Deep Learning Model for Screening Acute Heart Failure in Emergency Department Using Chest X-rays and Electronic Health Records

Research topic:
Application of Machine Learning in Atrial Fibrillation Prediction

Research topic:
Application of Machine Learning in Atrial Fibrillation Prediction

Research topic:
Application of Machine Learning in the Modeling and the Prediction of Glycemic Indices

Research topic:
Statistical Analysis of the Application of Augmented Reality in the Salah Learning System

Research topic:
Comparison of Regularization Methods for Variable Selection in Highly Correlated Data

Research topic:
Using Transformer-Based Imputation Techniques to Combine Time-Series and Non-Time-Series Data for Early Prediction of Sepsis